Premises Liability

Call Aun and McKay Columbia Personal Injury Attorneys: 803-744-0824

Slip and Fall encompasses different issues which occur on another’s property resulting in an injury such falling in the premises of a store, falling in a parking lot, dog bites, food poisoning, or even attacks by third parties while you are on the property of another.

  • Do you know the legal requirements to sustain a slip and fall injury on another’s property?
  • Do you know the time period that most stores keep videotape of their store?
  • Do you know about the various internal codes and regulations regarding customer safety created by most large stores which govern their operation?
  • Do you know about the internal report generated by most large stores for every reported slip and fall?
  • Do you know how to stop corporations from destroying evidence that may help your claim?
  • Do you know the standards that an owner must follow in order to prevent a third party from intentionally harming you?
  • Do you know the requirements needed to pursue a dog bite claim?

You may not know these answers but the insurance companies and large corporations do…and so do we at Aun and McKay. Make us your first and only call.

Did you fall in a store because of a pool of water or other substance? Were you in an apartment complex and fell in a hole that wasn’t properly covered?

If you are injured on the premises of another, you may have a right to receive compensation for your injuries. If you are injured on the premises of another because of criminal activity, you may have a right to compensation for your injuries. These are known as premise liability cases and they can be very challenging to litigate but we have done these cases with success.


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The ultimate key to a slip and fall case is a photograph the condition or defect which caused you to fall. You must be able to state with certainty exactly why you fell and how it was attributed to an action of the property owner.

Premises liability can also involve issues pertaining to injury while a store employee was chasing a shoplifting suspect or if you were injured by criminal activity on the premises of another.

Most large retailers or property owners have procedures and manuals to detail exactly what the store managers need to do in the event of a slip and fall. They have to fill out reports and/or take photos. There may be surveillance tape which will be destroyed within thirty (30) days. You need a lawyer to contact these companies to insure that the evidence is not destroyed.

They will want to take your recorded statement. Don’t do it unless you are represented by counsel. Remember, most large retailers deal with slip and fall cases on a daily basis, they are well versed on how to gather evidence to defend your potential claim. You however are not as skilled as they are in dealing with slip and fall cases. You need a lawyer.

Call us!!! It doesn’t cost a dime for you to meet with us.

Make us your first and ONLY call