Personal Injury

Do you know about Underinsured Motorist Coverage?
Do you know about a Dram Shop action?
Do you know if an Accident Report is admissible?
Do you know when a store owner is responsible for a slip and fall?
Do you know the difference between a Wrongful Death Action and Survival Action?
Do you know the insurance coverage policy limits for a tractor trailer?
Do you know if you have to give a recorded statement to an insurance company?

You may not…but they do…and so do we.

Call Aun and McKay Columbia Personal Injury Attorneys: 803-744-0824

With over 40 years of trial court experience, Aun and McKay has represented personal injury victims in a variety of different cases. Insurance companies may have entertaining spokespeople to gain your business but when it comes compensating you for your personal injury, you will not be dealing with a lizard or professional football player. You will deal with a huge corporation that makes a profit by collecting premium dollars and then paying out as little as possible.

Whether your injury is big or small, Aun and McKay wants to help you fight these corporate giants that only see you as number—specifically a claim number. A personal injury is just that…personal. Hire the law firm that will treat you as a human and not a series of digits. Please navigate our website to learn about the different personal injury cases we have handled in our years of trial court experience.

Call us!!! It doesn’t cost a dime for you to meet with us.


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